Sunday, June 27, 2021


My personal view on this matter is, there are many jobs/businesses/folks that will "die" before this Covid-jerked lockdowns end - if there's a prolonged shutdown.

Where the businesses are "non essential" (and we have to strictly decide based on proper analysis), then perhaps the 2 weeks/or more shutdown is ok. But the problem is, this regime is unable to do this without bias (I have 5 mechanic friends; 1 Malay, 1 Chinese, 3 Indians....the Malay got his "buka" permit on the 2nd day of the FMCO, the Chinese after 10 days but none of the 3 Indians got their's till is paying a daily bribe of RM150 to local enforcers to do work quietly with shutters down). We can say whatever about the application (wrong form/description etc) but this story is consistent across other SMEs too. Mind boggling that some 965,000 businesses are deemed "essential" including money-changers and high-end retailers.
So instead of this haphazard/"discretionary" issuance of permits (and as we all know, corruption is rife here), we probably need honest enforcement (kinda impossible when like it or not, the group most prone to "dedak" is the enforcer) of hygiene/distancing measures. Singapore, Australia and NZ have managed this quite well.
Yes, non essential "crowd attracting" services like prayer houses, pubs, casinos etc can be shut for a while but if they too are willing to implement measures, why not controlled operations? I think most of these places have a higher level of diligence than the "makcik/pakcik gerais" and "pasar malams". I have personally witnessed these gerais openly breaking the law...and u know what, in Hartamas and PJ Old Town, I saw cops eating at these warongs against the law. That's why in Malaysia, we are having a tough time quelling the spread because the lawmakers (including Ministers... like the 800 pax Raya party) are the ones breaking the laws they make for the others. Very hypocritical, while the enforcers look the other way when such transgressions are captured and reported. NFA is almost certain.....the Orwellian truism.
I'm very concerned that the half-baked economic measures are going to wipe out 30% (or more) of businesses (and their dependents) in the country. Like I said, it's a "die-die" for many - they will be "dead" before the Covid gets them. I feel very sad for those in this category, mostly the B40 group. I am personally aware of the catastrophic circumstances because some of the associations I belong to, are busy with many types of assistance for this category. Almost every day, I will get calls from desperate people for help. One single mother called me 3 times in 15mins (while the Grab rider was delivering her the food/groceries that WL had packed - because the temple can only distribute some food on Sunday morning earliest) asking when the rations will reach her as her kids were starving as at lunch on Saturday. Really broke my heart. She then passed our interim gesture to her similarly stricken friends and they started calling me as well. Although I was upset she did that, I can understand the situation...many people have no where else to turn to, even for a simple meal.
And one minister with his head in the skies says we will achieve a 4.5% GROWTH this year, while a few others wearing $200,000 watches post pics of them eating "Maggi mee" so as to show empathy with the Rakyat. And one goon, at first said he was going on a holiday abroad, and then when faced with brickbats, changed tune to say he was going just to enrol his son in an overseas school. Please lah, the son is 5 years old. Enough BULLSHIT - the Rakyat is FED UP of the LIES and propaganda.
But I don't at all feel sorry for the civil (what a misnomer) servants and Ministers...mostly "gaji buta" before and now, even more so. But when the "president's" survival rests on bought loyalties, what else can we expect.
Looks like even the "Gods" are not able to save Malaysia ?

Friday, June 18, 2021


 "Dr Anthony Fauci, Biden's chief medical advisor and a current target of Republican fury, has defended investing U.S. funds in the Wuhan lab, insisting that their research into coronaviruses was essential and it would be 'a dereliction of duty' not to support their work."

SO IT IS CONFIRMED LAH, THIS FAUCI FELLOW (an NIH director) DID HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE WUHAN VIRUS. He's now trying to justify his involvement only.
I just love the way this "movie" is progressing. I had long theorized (and written extensively, even yesterday) that the Virus was most likely "man made" in Wuhan with some US agency complicity. Just like in the Cold War days, the CCP now cannot be seen to be in cahoots with the US (thru the covert 3 letter worded spy agencies there). But just like the CIA's complicated and often treacherous relationship was with the KGB in the 50's and 60's, it's happening all over again. At least we learnt something from history: Man does not learn from history.
This recent expose (see below), will have the communist lovers' "panties in a rut" as they say. When the defector reveals the CCP's complicity and cover ups in Wuhan, these sympathisers won't be happy at all because the propaganda that they swallowed hook line and sinker, will be revealed like a baby's bottom: Having their lies publicly exposed will be a "face dropping" event, not easy to swallow. I'm sure they will continue to wag the dog, with more fervour too:)
Let's pop the cork and get some popcorn. The show's getting more interesting indeed.

Sunday, June 13, 2021


I think everyone who reads my blog knows that I'm very wary of the CCP. In this respect, it's disappointing that my often researched and considered views are sometimes dismissed as a bias against China; purely based on parochial sentiments. Once, a highly educated professional told me that the CCP and Chinese are the same and cannot be distinguished. This is like saying Trump and Americans are the same, or the PAP and Singaporeans are the same, or UMNO and Malaysians are the get the drift. As laughable as it is, I've long given up trying to convince the haters that the CCP is not the same as China/Chinese. I love the Chinese people (as mentioned before, my family is part Chinese/Malay/Indian) and it's culture and food. I once penned a public article on why the Chinese Malaysian is successful ( But this affinity is not to be mistaken with my steadfast trepidations of the CCP for it's subtle yet hegemonic (economic or otherwise) intentions. Don't get me wrong, I am in awe of China's progress, advancement in technology, and it's ability to bring development to the masses. I'm not too hot though on it's complete media censorship, failure to allow foreigners a level playing field (eg. Ebay is banned in China but Ali Baba is allowed in, say, the US) and the stifling of personal freedoms.

I suppose the CCP, with it's immense propaganda budget (unofficial estimate says about $5 bil annually!), has indeed succeeded in demonizing the West. It's cyber-troopers (including many "white" mouthpieces who spew venom) have penetrated every known socmed and spin stories daily to "wag the dog": If you tell a lie 100 times, it may stick once? It's exactly what Chairman Mao did when he took over. First, kill the opposition and dissent (perhaps arguably, as high as 60mil Chinese were murdered according to some scholars), then unleash the state machinery to brainwash the population - I must admit, he succeeded. In a recent poll on it's popularity, 93% of Chinese in China, approved the CCP's performance. This was shocking to me....I expected 100% (I suppose, this 7% naysayers will soon be "missing", sent to camps, have their assets frozen and maybe...worse?). The CCP cannot afford another Tiannamen incident. Now, all Chinese in China are pliant.....oppose and you may find yourself in jail, or worse. Just ask Jack Ma what happened to him recently for just saying China's banking system was outdated? The truth can only be told by the Chinese who have left China, not by the diaspora that has suddenly found new enthusiasm to support the CCP blindly as it feels empowered by a sense of parochialism...all over the world indeed! Not all but many.
Before anyone accuses this WION report as another round of CCP bashing, I've checked the incidents the reporter quoted and all are accurate based on available public information. You may also do the same if you doubt.
In summary, this is perhaps why the EU and Saudi, do not recognize the Chinese vaccines for entry. Nothing that comes out of the CCP's mouth, can be taken at face value. This is the CCP's version of "socialism" (aka communism). It's a philosophy that seeks to lull it's citizenry into a false sense of comfort. Not quite the Das Kapital version at all.
On the vaccine, not that AZ has a great reputation either....probably explains why it's the easiest to avail in Malaysia. And even Pfizer, may not be 90% effective as (falsely) claimed. Studies are coming out of Israel where people are being infected even after 2 shots of Pfizer.
In my opinion, all these vaccines are simply stopgap/kneejerk measures. Covid is here to stay, just like measles, mumps and chicken pox...or like the common flu. Perhaps it will come to a time when its necessary for an annual jab (that will make Big Pharma richer)?
We just have to take the necessary precautions and go on with life. Life is very resilient...afterall, humans (homo sapiens) have been around for at least 200,000 years. We have survived the ice ages, volcanic eruptions, major earthquakes/tsunamis, wars and yes, several bouts of similar virus-caused plagues etc. So this virus, as deadly as it is (and I'm not downplaying the danger), will also be overcome by our bodies eventually. The babies born now to Covid mothers ALREADY have the antibody (please research this if you are surprised). Mother Nature/God/whatever you believe in, has a wonderful way of balancing the odds in our favour: Humans will alway win. Only we can destroy ourselves.
And maybe for those who are searching for alternatives to what the mainstream feeds us, Ivermectin (has been around for more than 40 years unlike the Johnnys come lately) is worth a try? Watch the video below.
Do read up and make up your own mind.
Till then, stay safe !

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Today, 1 June 2021, 16 communist planes were "chased away" by RMAF from our airspace. I know many people think my "fear" of the CCP's real intentions is unfounded.
Well, why did 16 Chinese air-force planes intrude in our airspace? If just one, maybe it lost it's way but 16....come on folks. You cannot defend the indefensible. And you should not if you are a loyal Malaysian. If you do, then you are a TRAITOR.
The CCP has been slowly flexing it's muscle for some time now. They have engaged in a "tactical" war with the US for some time now. They have the benefit of the diaspora to do this. And, despite what anyone says, the CCP also (accidentally?) unleashed the Wuhan virus onto the world. All the conspiracy theories of it originating in the US is just hogwash. (I accept that the US may have financed some covert experiments in China towards this...afterall, who can manufacture cheaper than China? ).
The CCP's hegemonistic overtures are obvious. Give cheap monies to despots to buy up half of Africa and some South Asian countries like stupid Sri Lanka. All Emperor Xi needs to do is to bribe the corrupt governments of these countries. And they have been successful. Money always talks....just ask our former PM.
Now, why would the CCP send 16 air-force planes into our territorial space? I suppose the ball-carrying traitors (also known as the diaspora) will say it was a social visit..."lawatan sambil belajar." Or maybe, "cuti-cuti Malaysia". Really?
But folks, indeed it was a "lawatan sambil belajar". The CCP deliberately chose these planes. Fighter planes would be too obvious.
Plus these 16 planes can carry substantial number of troops! The CCP was simply testing the response capabilities of RMAF. There is NO OTHER reason for this act.....please do not justify the indefensible. You will look like a jackass.

Interestingly, the entire cheerleading crowd has suddenly gone silent over this "lawatan" in many chat groups as many would have observed.

Welcome to the Islamic Republic of GAZA

Suggestion to manage Gaza after the current war with Israel:  1) Compel Israel to rebuild the border wall so that Gaza becomes like Berlin b...