I really dunno wtf is wrong with the Europeans. Can't they see the "barbarians at their gates" ? Already millions have swept into many states and causing mayhem. You can read about the absurdities they import. We here can see the future clearly but looks like those apologists there are deaf, DUMB and blind. See what Japan and China does to curb terrorism, take a leaf from their books mates. And now, this stupid ruling......can you imagine a local Judge here saying it's not murder cos the culprit was high on ganja.............? If those idiots get "colonized", it's their own fuc**** stupidity. They need a bit of Trump to whack their shithead brains back into reality. WAKE UP !
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
And the award for the Best Drama country goes to...............MALAYSIA
We, Malaysians live in a H(B)ollywood movie world indeed. There're billion dollar thefts, blown up victims, bodies found in cemented drums, unsolved murders, missing/hidden witnesses, "jin"-type dinosaurs, descendants from Abraham claim, a terror-funder protected by the chief protagonist, mysterious donations and movements of funds via complex global networks that even chartered accountants can't fathom, international slush trusts, monies and valuables stuffed in hidden wall
compartments, accessories to crimes that read like a who's who in the international finance world, an alleged cocaine-snorting "measuring instrument" that marries a porn star, treasonous political treachery, high-profile babies born within 7 months of marriage, alleged gay sex between minister(s), flying cars, "cows" in condos/restaurants and so much more. Dallas, Dynasty, Who Killed Roger Rabbit, The Hobbit, "Star Whores" and all other hits rolled into our country's colourful landscape: My goodness - looks like the scripts for several blockbusters are ready within a few people in this country. I have no doubt that next to the US, we are the champion when it comes to sensationalism. As eloquently put by the master joker Alan, "Malaysia's Got Scandal". Enjoy our times.......one day, we would also say, we miss the "good old days".The Burmese myth?
The news is a bit old but deserves to be viralled as people are generally unaware of the VIOLENT sub-race these Rakhines are. I generally have very little sympathy for terrorist and their supporters. Especially THE religious extremists. Unfortunately Malaysia is fast becoming a haven for such people, some even getting PR here.
On a recent investigation in Myanmar's Rakhine State, Amnesty International uncovered evidence of appalling massacres of almost 100 Hindus carried out by a Rohingya armed group.
Hail the Leader ?
An observation that you won't find published in our mainstream media. Worth thinking about when evaluating the virtues of our leadership. Myth or mystique?
I attended Tun Dr Mahathir’s address to the Cambridge Union yesterday. It was a disappointing and unpleasant experience. Before entering, I had thought of him as an enigma, a giant of history with the tremendous recent achievement of having pulled Malaysia from the throes of deep-set corruption. The man I saw at the Union came across as a wily politician but distinctly mediocre candidate for governance.
He had around him a large gaggle of sycophantic invitees, some of whom I recognised as senior political figures. This, more than anything else, liberated me from the idea that Mahathir is a methodical man who calibrates his statements to his audience. They clapped and cheered when he made shocking wisecracks about Jewish people. They would probably have believed that pigs could fly if he claimed it.
These are my impressions of Mahathir post-talk:
1. Mahathir chooses what he wants to believe and looks for reasons to justify them after. And many of the things he believes are rightly considered incendiary.
When asked by an audience member about whether affirmative action in favour of Malays was not racial discrimination, he said that it was necessary to prevent racial confrontation based on perceived inequalities between the races. This is not a bad reason, until one remembers that it will be a cold day in hell before Malaysia sees affirmative action policies in favour of its Chinese and Indian citizens. Recall what bumiputera means: "sons of the earth". These are policies to favour Malays, and always will be.
Mahathir called gay marriage a “regressive” way of thinking, saying that the objective of marriage was procreation. When asked by the moderator about whether infertile people should also be excluded from marriage, he backpedalled and said that marriage must be between a man and a woman - a position unsupported by his justifications but explained by the first words out of his mouth: “I don’t understand this gay marriage.”
2. He holds himself to average standards of reasoning and low standards of evidence
His arguments were full of inconsistencies, sometimes in a single sentence. He criticised The West for its generalisations of Malays as backward and lazy (something they haven't done in about half a century). He then proceeded to agree with that characterisation and said that Jewish people worldwide were complicit in the “killings” of the Israeli state. When a member of the audience queried him on why he felt it acceptable to generalise when he criticised "The West" for doing so, he retreated to another generalisation: "sometimes we have to generalise". There was no explanation as to why this was one of those times.
He said that the Jewish people should have learned from their experiences in WWII not to treat others that way (referring to the Palestinians). He did not acknowledge Malaysia’s treatment of its minorities, or his experiences of racism as a medical student in Singapore.
He said that the nuances of the English language meant that The West was not serious in its criticisms of Malaysia. This might have been a joke, I'm not sure. In any event, he did not correct himself. He also said that Malaysia needed to learn from the East. The moderator asked him whether Malaysia would learn from Taiwan, which had just legalised gay marriage. Without irony, he replied at once that the idea was regressive.
He was poorly prepared for obvious counter-arguments to his points. He did not have a response to the common counter-argument that if marriage is only for procreation then it must exclude infertile people as well.
As regards poor standards of evidence, he repeated the heavily debunked claim that Malaysia is being shortchanged by Singapore in the sale of raw and purified water. There cannot be a more obvious example of fake news; Singapore has repeatedly pointed out that Malaysia saves far more from the current economic arrangement than Singapore does, and the numbers support it. Mahathir also made the claim that Singapore sells water to Malaysia for 50 ringgit per thousand gallons and I am certain that he believed it. He emphasised this number repeatedly and with great consternation. The actual value is 50 sen per thousand gallons.
3. The audience was stacked. There were at least 30 (if not more) people who appeared to be special invitees of Malaysia. They collectively made up about half the audience. They nodded agreeably when Mahathir criticised The West, and laughed and cheered at his jokes. They fell silent when the moderator called Mahathir out on logical inconsistencies.
At one point, Mahathir tastelessly remarked that nearly all Jewish people were bad, but the few good ones were the ones he knew. This was a ridiculous and racist thing to say. I looked around the audience. His invitees chuckled loudly and appreciatively, clapped and cheered. Almost all of the Cambridge attendees were in silent disbelief.
4. It felt uncomfortably immoral.
Mahathir spent considerable time painting Jewish people in general as bad. His interviewer, Adam Davies, is an American of Jewish descent, and said so during one of his questions. It was an uncomfortable experience seeing Mahathir justify his racist comments to Davies without shame. To Davies's credit, he conducted himself extremely professionally.
For me, the mystique has been shorn off Mahathir. He is a powerful man, yes, and one who needs to be taken seriously, not despite being illogical, uncritical, and racist but perhaps precisely for that reason.
By an attendee.
My one is Bikker....
This is a dangerous fellow and the muffheads in Teheran better not play "dare you" games. He's likely to fire from the hips if they antagonize him any further. Once this country is shell-shocked like Iraq (and making his cronies rich in the rebuilding efforts), it will be too late to regret. Afterall who's gonna bell this bully ? Not even Putin or Xi, talk as much as they want to impress the 3rd world but can't touch his hair. So Iran - better bow down and pray to the NEW God in town....towards Washington.
Into the Devil's lair....
Why are we not surprised. Afterall, it was "some of us" who gleefully invited the ex members (actually wolves in sheep's clothing) back "home". I have been highlighting this danger for the past few years but the authorities seem to ignore based on racial and/or religious grounds. Clearly these will be the "sleeper cells" exploding in the future. Very obviously the new IGP too should have been an Enlightened person to stop this dangerous and reckless repatriation act promoted by his predecessor. Would the gomen have brought back "old" Enlightened communists ? (They did bring back, and indeed awarded a datuk-ship to a non- Enlightened one). Or a reformed IRA terrorist?
Ridiculous as it may seem
Wait a minute........how could such a fatwa be "logically" issued by the PIS party?
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Fatwa, in Islam, a formal ruling or interpretation on a point of Islamic law given by a qualified legal scholar (known as a mufti). Fatwas are usually issued in response to questions from individuals or Islamic courts.
On what point of Islamic law was bringing Harapan down - decreed in 620 AD ? Afterall, it pertains to "interpretation" of an Islamic law.
And now, Tok Mat is the "translator" (aka apologist) for PIS' nonsense it appears ?
These PIS fellows are completely MAD. Every senior fellow there is a "dedak" eater, caught-up in the 1MDB complicity, some caught for buggering their wives and so on. No wonder Mat Sabu also dissed them yesterday for their nonsensical fatwas: "Feel free to criticise, even if it's me, Amanah or Harapan. But I will fight these ridiculous fatwa"
Let me write a new hadith.......
A very good piece by SR shared:
PAS And UMNO Bid To Concoct Rules And Religion To Suit Themselves - COMMENT
1 July 2019
The jaw-dropping behaviour and statements by politicians from PAS and UMNO in recent days and weeks provide a useful eye-opener (for anyone who might still need it) as to the sort of government Malaysians would be treated to with them back in charge.
The self-proclaimed religious party, PAS which now admits it was secretly in cahoots with Najib before the last election, whilst pretending otherwise, has already astonished the world with a series of outrageous self-justifications. This includes the claim by president Hadi Awang that Islam permits party leaders to lie (about a recording admitting they received money from UMNO) if it benefitted the party’s political aspirations.
Hadi then proceeded to lie again about the terms of the settlement of its libel claim against Sarawak Report (for telling the truth about those payments) and denied PAS had agreed to pay the legal costs of its aborted action.
PAS leaders went one better today and made up another shocking and apparently bogus ‘Islamic’ claim when they pronounced that according to religion MPs should not be expected to declare their assets:
The self-proclaimed religious party, PAS which now admits it was secretly in cahoots with Najib before the last election, whilst pretending otherwise, has already astonished the world with a series of outrageous self-justifications. This includes the claim by president Hadi Awang that Islam permits party leaders to lie (about a recording admitting they received money from UMNO) if it benefitted the party’s political aspirations.
Hadi then proceeded to lie again about the terms of the settlement of its libel claim against Sarawak Report (for telling the truth about those payments) and denied PAS had agreed to pay the legal costs of its aborted action.
PAS leaders went one better today and made up another shocking and apparently bogus ‘Islamic’ claim when they pronounced that according to religion MPs should not be expected to declare their assets:
Islam does not allow the declaration of wealth as this would raise security concerns, says PAS deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man [Malay Mail]
As Malaysians were still choking over that one a whole group of the party’s new UMNO buddies also came out of the woodwork today resisting the same requirement that they should declare their worth, which is of course a key measure under the new government to prevent corruption.
Why focus on the country’s leaders when they could be bullying lowly civil servants about such matters instead, demanded one Sarawak flunky of Abdul Taib Mahmud? This was a disgraceful ‘witchhunt’ he went on to claim.
Apparently, politicians should be allowed to be massively corrupt and accumulate vast riches without the electors who put them into office being made aware of this tasty information. Other former BN characters have raced to join in on the complaints.
As Malaysians were still choking over that one a whole group of the party’s new UMNO buddies also came out of the woodwork today resisting the same requirement that they should declare their worth, which is of course a key measure under the new government to prevent corruption.
Why focus on the country’s leaders when they could be bullying lowly civil servants about such matters instead, demanded one Sarawak flunky of Abdul Taib Mahmud? This was a disgraceful ‘witchhunt’ he went on to claim.
Apparently, politicians should be allowed to be massively corrupt and accumulate vast riches without the electors who put them into office being made aware of this tasty information. Other former BN characters have raced to join in on the complaints.
Don’t let them game the system – they want back in control
It is a reminder of the sort of government Malaysians would now be suffering under, manned by multi-millionaire kleptocrats and supported by phoney men of religion, making up bogus doctrine to justify thefts from the people, were UMNO and PAS back in charge.
The defiance of norms of behaviour and indeed the basic rules has continued apace with this bunch. Perhaps, given the enormity of the charges and evidence they are faced with, they see little choice, apart from pleading guilty.
Yet the brass neck reveals an arrogance born out of years of being able to get away with anything. Former PM Najib, for example, is being tried for dozens of gross crimes and yet the man has not even had the decency to surrender up his seat to at least spare parliament and his constituents their blushes. Guilty or not, in any respectable democracy a man formally charged with such crimes would step down from parliament until the matter had been settled in court.
However, the UMNO tradition is to put the man first and public interest second, it seems.
Not only has the ‘honourable’ member for Pahang not stepped down, but he had the audacity to petition the court to give him days out of his time consuming and hugely expensive trial to go to parliament to debate this very matter of whether wealth (his his case alleged vast and illegally acquired wealth) should be declared.
Thankfully, the court denied such a ludicrous request. However, time and again this filthy rich fellow (who claimed he could not fund bail and yet funds more than ten barristers on his team) has managed to obstruct and delay the conduct of this trial as his various lawyers cook up excuses day after day to slow things down.
Najib does not want to ever go to jail, of course. However, what is amazing at least to international observers is how a man charged with such obnoxious crimes has not been kept inside on remand in the first place? The answer appears to be because of his purportedly stolen riches, which have enabled him to find that bail money after all.
It gets worse. Even if Najib were to be eventually found guilty by the court (which would appear inevitable given the power of the evidence so far) he apparently expects to be allowed to wander around free on bail, pending two more rounds of appeals.
That was the old way in UMNO Malaysia. A poor mother stealing food for a child would definitely have to appeal from behind bars. However, the criminally rich expect to mark bail using what has been judged to be stolen money.
If Guilty, Both Rich And Poor Should Be Jailed Not Bailed
The defiance of norms of behaviour and indeed the basic rules has continued apace with this bunch. Perhaps, given the enormity of the charges and evidence they are faced with, they see little choice, apart from pleading guilty.
Yet the brass neck reveals an arrogance born out of years of being able to get away with anything. Former PM Najib, for example, is being tried for dozens of gross crimes and yet the man has not even had the decency to surrender up his seat to at least spare parliament and his constituents their blushes. Guilty or not, in any respectable democracy a man formally charged with such crimes would step down from parliament until the matter had been settled in court.
However, the UMNO tradition is to put the man first and public interest second, it seems.
Not only has the ‘honourable’ member for Pahang not stepped down, but he had the audacity to petition the court to give him days out of his time consuming and hugely expensive trial to go to parliament to debate this very matter of whether wealth (his his case alleged vast and illegally acquired wealth) should be declared.
Thankfully, the court denied such a ludicrous request. However, time and again this filthy rich fellow (who claimed he could not fund bail and yet funds more than ten barristers on his team) has managed to obstruct and delay the conduct of this trial as his various lawyers cook up excuses day after day to slow things down.
Najib does not want to ever go to jail, of course. However, what is amazing at least to international observers is how a man charged with such obnoxious crimes has not been kept inside on remand in the first place? The answer appears to be because of his purportedly stolen riches, which have enabled him to find that bail money after all.
It gets worse. Even if Najib were to be eventually found guilty by the court (which would appear inevitable given the power of the evidence so far) he apparently expects to be allowed to wander around free on bail, pending two more rounds of appeals.
That was the old way in UMNO Malaysia. A poor mother stealing food for a child would definitely have to appeal from behind bars. However, the criminally rich expect to mark bail using what has been judged to be stolen money.
If Guilty, Both Rich And Poor Should Be Jailed Not Bailed
New Malaysia should make clear that justice should be the same for all – people should be remanded according to their alleged crimes and not according to their pockets and if found guilty jailed not bailed.
In no sensible democracy on earth could such an outrageous concession be allowed for someone convicted of monstrous thefts walk free. Yet, in Malaysia ordinary folk can languish in jail for years waiting for their trials to be completed, whilst those found guilty of abusing the trust of the people and stealing in public office are apparently expected to be able to do just that.
The appeals process is there to pick up on potential miscarriages of justice. However, if found guilty that person ought appeal from jail and not abuse the process (using stolen money) to continue to create disruption, buy propaganda and cheerleaders, posture as politicians and even make up religious doctrines to justify themselves, instead of taking punishment well-deserved.
It’s exactly what these UMNO/PAS leaders will do, if they can get away with it. It’s their last chance saloon, so of course they will act like dangerous bandits in a shoot out.
Look how Najib’s fellow operator, ex-Deputy PM Zahid Hamidi, has reacted to the piling on of further charges of corruption on his part. Far from allowing the forces of law and order to do their part he has grabbed back the leadership of the party, hoping to blast his way out of the bunker he is in with whatever amunition he can muster.
Malaysia has changed its leadership with the foremost aim of restoring law and order, yet still too much of the past remains and these political throw backs and manufacturers of false doctrines of religion are taking full advantage. Treat these dangerous and desperate folk too lightly and they will only too readily regain hope of evading the law and regaining their status, by whatever means.
If they are allowed to get away with it, Malaysia will be treated to worse even than before. Government by crooks considered above the law, aided and abetted by self-appointed prelates, making mockery of a fine religion as they concoct doctrines on the spur of the moment, as and when it suits them.
A kleptocracy and theocracy would be rolled into a toxic compact for the benefit of themselves and abuse of everyone else.
In no sensible democracy on earth could such an outrageous concession be allowed for someone convicted of monstrous thefts walk free. Yet, in Malaysia ordinary folk can languish in jail for years waiting for their trials to be completed, whilst those found guilty of abusing the trust of the people and stealing in public office are apparently expected to be able to do just that.
The appeals process is there to pick up on potential miscarriages of justice. However, if found guilty that person ought appeal from jail and not abuse the process (using stolen money) to continue to create disruption, buy propaganda and cheerleaders, posture as politicians and even make up religious doctrines to justify themselves, instead of taking punishment well-deserved.
It’s exactly what these UMNO/PAS leaders will do, if they can get away with it. It’s their last chance saloon, so of course they will act like dangerous bandits in a shoot out.
Look how Najib’s fellow operator, ex-Deputy PM Zahid Hamidi, has reacted to the piling on of further charges of corruption on his part. Far from allowing the forces of law and order to do their part he has grabbed back the leadership of the party, hoping to blast his way out of the bunker he is in with whatever amunition he can muster.
Malaysia has changed its leadership with the foremost aim of restoring law and order, yet still too much of the past remains and these political throw backs and manufacturers of false doctrines of religion are taking full advantage. Treat these dangerous and desperate folk too lightly and they will only too readily regain hope of evading the law and regaining their status, by whatever means.
If they are allowed to get away with it, Malaysia will be treated to worse even than before. Government by crooks considered above the law, aided and abetted by self-appointed prelates, making mockery of a fine religion as they concoct doctrines on the spur of the moment, as and when it suits them.
A kleptocracy and theocracy would be rolled into a toxic compact for the benefit of themselves and abuse of everyone else.
I am Man
The "other" crazy ideology. Both are fraught with men making stupid edicts and trying to justify their nonsenses with air-plucked logic. I've said it many times before, "religion" should be banned from public display. All religious places of worship should be converted to public museums or some recreational place. The sooner we do this, one less divisive force in society.
Recently there was a worldwide instigation when the Pope said some part of the Bible needs alteration —The LORD'S prayer. Many thought this was the first
Another bloody lie by the BIG THIEF !
Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan president, Mohamed Arshad Raji (photo below) said "there is no historical record of Umno having formed groups to fight the insurgency, which took place over several decades from the 1940s to 60s, and 60s to 80s. For the record, in the war against the communist insurgents, all ethnic groups in our country participated – Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, Orang Asli, Iban, Dayak, Kadazan, and the Serani (Eurasian)".
Once again, another DUMBNO attempt to downplay others' contribution and champion the race. In fact, I think the DUMNO members would have been in cahoots with the Reds as they love dedak. Just go and study what they (and some "measuring instruments") did with the British pre-Independence.
I think I'm gonna refer to the BIG THIEF/LIAR as Pinocchio......
The Fairy gave me
We are to believe that these too, like the pink diamond, were bought from savings (as then claimed by the Witch) from birth. I recall the younger brother saying their dad wasn't rich. So either the BIG THIEF was an amazing investor (beating Buffett for sure) or received billions in "donation" (oops....I think he did claim that? but can he keep that while on gomen duty?), these surely cannot be earned in a lifetime? Well, not in my lifetime unless I robbed several banks, or one "big" GLC......
I feel Weird too
"I feel weird..if the company paid taxes, how come the fund is illegal?" he told reporters at Wisma MCA today.
Seriously, how did the 127 or so Chinese Malaysians elect this donkey to be their president? He's a PhD Engineer but looks like his foundations in logic are weak. Maybe should ask his lawyer wife for advise.
Ah Siong - IRB doesn't give a toss about whether the income is legal or not. As long as it's deemed an income, tax is payable. The legality is dealt thru AMLA and other laws.
Same reason why IRB wants BIG THIEF to pay 1.6b in taxes on the "donation".
Taxed loot is Halal?
A few minutes earlier, I had criticized the MCA (mis)leader for his lack of logic. Now, I just read the thief's logic:
Najib said he was surprised that the government had charged him in court for receiving “illegal funds” but the IRB, through its action, was indicating that what he received was legitimate income that he needs to pay tax on.
Confirmed, Bapa borek, anak rintik ! (The apple doesn't fall far from the tree).
Folks, we have been run by donkeys indeed !
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