Sunday, February 9, 2020

Make Trump great again

Just watched the State of the Union speech by Trump. I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised at his political fluency and candour - I didn't see the tele-prompter (but I guess it must be there somewhere or he's just aced a fantastic delivery) but his remarks appeared genuine, well structured and human. Most of all, to the many of his detractors, humbug to you - this man has actually defied the odds (and logic perhaps) to become one of the better presidents in recent times based on delivery.
Pelosi's act of tearing up his speech was totally childish.....and for that, she was not acknowledged by him. And for the Democrats to walk-out without shaking his hands, outright rude. I'm sure the American people will remember this behaviour - just watch, he will win the re-election. Finally, a President who gets things done! (And for those pining for the Soleimani fellow, listen again to the speech). Give this man another 4 years to finish what he started. He beat the impeachment charges as well.
For the 1st time, I saw the Presidential honour medal being delivered on the spot to Lindbaugh (not too sure of the merit but that's Trump's choice...).
But when Trump itemized his administration's achievements, I couldn't help wonder what our boys will say, if the Great Leader had to present his report card on the 1st 2 years in power. "Boleh-lah" maybe?

Image result for trump as a genius caricature

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