Friday, December 10, 2021



I fully understand how Rajaratnam (coincidentally my namesake) feels although my personal circumstances are quite different, albeit once, I too was charged for Insider Trading.....with a view to losing money (and this is bizzare). 

Insider trading is almost impossible to define sanely. It's premised on the basis that an act that results in profits gained (usually in the stock market) that is based on superior (aka inside) knowledge, is, illegal. One has to ask if this concept sticks, then how about the term "business"...afterall one party gains because he/she knows more than the other. And this information that one party has, is not necessarily "publicly" available. Otherwise, there would be no "competitive" advantage in conducting "business". There are complex legal arguments in the meaning of each of these words but I won't bore you with them now.

The laws that we have on Insider Trading are so "loose" and textbook driven, the Prosecution is automatically allowed to interpret them to their convenience, of course, selectively. Worse, some judges are totally clueless (most haven't traded in the markets) in the rudiments of securities trading and the power of (mis)information, any novel trading initiative that is unfamiliar to them, is considered unsavoury and the accused frowned upon....and usually convicted. This happens in almost every jurisdiction. Ironically, just like in America, most defence attorneys here, are the very same over-zealous public prosecutors before. What they pursued with vigour (and perhaps vindictiveness) when wearing the prosecutor's hat, now that they understand better (after perhaps punishing innocent victims) and try to make peace with their own conscience for prior "wrongdoings". 

I'm not saying that all persons charged with insider trading are innocent. I've followed with interest most of the cases in Malaysia and can opine that many, should not even be called to trial. The lack of clarity in laws and the ambition/greed by prosecutors (as Rajaratnam correctly lamented, if one was a two bit fund manager, they will never even look at him. Only the successful ones are prosecuted) pretty much renders the "legal" pursuit just like when we were in school:  when the class monitor was eager to pick on the smart kids to boost his ego, especially when he didn't have much up there but wielded the whistle. 

Just contrast this situation with the cub reporter who gets an "inside scoop" ....he's always a star. Or the football coach from the opposite team who has "inside" information on those team(s). Or the victorious army generals who win because of their spies on the "inside". Society says these folks are heroes. But when a fund manager gets an "inside" scoop and makes money for his clients, he's the villain. This is Uneven Justice indeed. 

Having done my fair share of defending (a 7 year personal battle....and perhaps a Netflix in the waiting?) maybe I should practice defending those wrongly charged with insider trading. 

There seems to be a big opportunity here ? 😜

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

10 little Indians...

 The mainstream media is muted and generally extremely biased towards any Indian Malaysian based achievements because Indians here in general, outperform their quota (in good or bad deeds). There is an innate fear that highlighting these achievements will propel their abilities as a human in Malaysia. My words are chosen carefully.

The Chinese media, has a loud voice and highlights Chinese Malaysian achievements because it has the volume in following (I think the older Chinese still reads the MCA owned toilet papers) to support it, and of course, the financial clout to reward them. The Malay media only seeks to propagate the racial divide, probably due to "instructions" from it's political masters. Besides, highlighting the other races' achievements almost always reflects the abysmal performance of its own notwithstanding the crutches. The Tamil media has a small following (no urban Indian of self worth reads (if he can) it anyway)....only the "estate" folks do, if they can read) and cannot even make the "noise" the Chinese media can. A whimper at best.

It's pretty much the way our civil (and uncivil) society has been structured in the past 64 years. There is an analysis floating around that shows the comparative status of Indian Malaysians between 1950's and now - shocking to those who didn't know. I recall the Indian (then 10% of population) made up almost 40% of the (British controlled) civil service then. There are many "firsts" in Malaya like lawyers, QCs, doctors, electricity providers that were Indian Malayans. These have been buried by our education system that now recreates a Malay "first" history, to the point of corrupting truth to it's side.

The Indian now has to leap 3 times higher (maybe that's why only 2 Indians...oops "Muslim" now, reached Everest first) to be considered par with the Chinese (who now has to leap 2 times higher) and Malay (who is almost always artificially propelled with full societal aids). 

Don't even talk about appearing in TV/movie  Adverts......besides Deepavali (and maybe some stereotyping Shopee ads), you won't find a "brown" face in our ad media. There's extreme injustice against Indians in Malaysia (and the death toll in prison also reflects this). And one has to be an Indian here to understand (and feel) the "pain" of the systemic  sidelining. Maybe that's why the Indians here are over represented in the legal (and medical) system - simply because we need the numbers here to help "our" kind who is the most "tertindas" (sidelined). This is not a racist statement but a realistic (and uncowardly as many won't say it for fear of retribution) reflection of the real situation in Malaysia. This may apply somewhat to Singapore also where the roles of the Chinese and Malay are reversed....but the Indian nevertheless ends up getting the shortest ended stick. Lose-lose in both countries for the machan. 

Now you understand why many people of Indian origin from these 2 countries leave and find fame/glory/wealth in the US, Australia, UK, Sweden, Switzerland and elsewhere. Look it up, in every country, they form the highest group (in comparison) of median income, professors, doctors etc in those countries. While there are racial prejudices, they are not necessarily directed against the Indians in general. The whites probably (I say probably) discriminate against anyone who's not yellow, brown, red and black. But if you are "good", this inborn racism easily diminishes in their societies. They say education helps to bridge the gap - but it cannot correct stupidity in Malaysia. Just look at our "highly" educated cabinet/lebais for evidence of this maxim.

When I first penned the above, someone said that I was being negative and pointed out the successful Indian origin Singaporean ministers and GLC heads there. I asked him if he would rather be an Indian origin in Malaysia or Singapore. He didn't answer: He is Chinese. 

As I'd said earlier, you have to be an Indian here to understand the type of daily challenges we face in the system. Or you can pretend that there isn't an elephant in the room?


As many great people have opined before, "to look away from injustices, makes one complicit in the commission"...something  like that lah.

To the many who always tell me to keep quiet because we cannot change the system, paraphrasing Kennedy...."We must speak up not because it is easy but because it is HARD"

You get the drift.

Thursday, September 30, 2021


I know many will disagree with my view below and that's fine. Some may consider my call unpatriotic - pretending that the elephant is not in the room. We make our beds and sleep in it.

My mantra these days is opposite to my previous beliefs - that I'm forced to abandon most. I will say to young Malaysians today....LEAVE MALAYSIA if/while you can!
Till about 2018, I was one of the increasingly smaller minority that believed we could save Malaysia from the Malays. You read me right.
When PH came into power and made some efforts to change/amend the terribly rotten system (top to toe, as wide as one can cast the net), I thought there was a new (and better) future for our kids and theirs'. Naively I thought it was the dawn of a new beginning. But PH just didn't have the support nor the energy to implement good things....the very first thing it should have done was to put the court cluster in jail immediately. No need to worry about the social outcry (nobody would have minded anyway except the cronies and the greedy). These buggers plotted to bring PH down to save themselves: Looks like it is working too.
I no longer believe "we" want a change...I think the Malays (note, I did not say bumis) do not want structural changes for the betterment of the country. If they did, given the atrocious judicial, official and endemic misconduct seen in the past 20 months, regardless of Covid 19, we would have had street protests as a minimum. The "urban" Malay has also given up (and indeed, I know many who are planning to immigrate) because if they say something, their clansmen will turn on them as being a traitor etc. Religion is (mis)used as a weapon with stupid and opportunistic edicts. The Malays just want a Malay controlled everything (politics, economics and social structure) and for that, corruption, thievery, incompetence and even murder, is acceptable. As long as the Cina babi or India keling are not given any power in this administration, it's ok. They like the 3 mongrels from MIC and MCA, and the few rats from the useless "Borneo" parties who kowtow to the UMNO masters, kissing the boot of PN and ilks.
Let's face it: 35% of Malay Malaysians, 51% of Indian Malaysians, 90% of Chinese Malaysians and 99% of Others (already feeling as a "dll") will (or have already) plan to leave Malaysia if things continue as now. The exception to this hypothesis are those who are either too old, too poor, too sickly or benefitting from a lucrative position/business/legacy (ie those who could't give a damn about the social morass because they have a leg elsewhere). Basically, those who have "no choice" are the only ones who will stay. Everyone else will move to greener (or saner) pastures.
As the day goes by, the question of whether GE15 can change the future, becomes immaterial. Even if we as a nation voted to change, the corrupt and immoral politicians will jump ship and do the same traitorous stunts as done in the past 20 months. Whether Maju/Independents can be the game changer, I doubt....many may still be tempted to switch camps after winning. The proposed law to disbar these frogs is unlikely to be passed before GE15, mark my words (I'd like to be proven wrong). Everyone knows we are in a sinking ship and there is a lack of will by those in power to change it. Let's face it, everyone (well, almost) is in politics (and GLCs) to make money and at some point, may jump ship bound for New Zealand perhaps. Afterall, it's been done.
Worse, those caught with their hands (and legs) in the cookie jar are being let off with a rap (not even a slap) on their palms. It's almost like, as long as you can "repay" some of the stolen loot, you can keep the rest and stand/remain as an elected rep. Well, they are not MY rep!
My dad tells me that this is the land of "milk and honey" that his father left Jaffna for in 1899. Unfortunately, my dad is stuck in the 1930's...this land stopped being the so-called Nirvana sometime in the early 1970's when Razak and his gang hatched a plot to take over the wealth of the nation for the benefit and power of a few. Contrary to what we had been lied about, Razak, in my opinion, had less than altruistic motives for many of his policies. (For those well read in the May 13, 1969 incident - you know who the real culprits were....but not for this piece). He plotted to create a Malay "control" elitist group and he succeeded. He called it the NEP. Did NEP work? The bigger villain Mahathir, in the guise of "modernisation", enriched his cronies (and some say, his family) with blatant financial abuses, nepotism, corruption and everything bad that ends with an "ism". Each premier after that just made things worse without plugging the rot. Some, stole billions. Even the "Sleepy" one was not untainted...a story for another day perhaps.
So for those who can leave, please do. For those who cannot personally but can send your kids abroad, please do so. Let's leave the Malays (and inevitably their cronies of all races) to enjoy whatever the future Malaysia holds. When the "milk and honey" have been sucked dry, they will turn on each other. I suspect at some time in the future, maybe even as soon as in the next 20 years, Sabah and Sarawak would have seceded - being unable to take this "Malay first/only" policies being dished out daily. For those who cannot leave, perhaps entering politics now would be a good idea.....if you can't beat them, join them ? Or maybe by then, the newer immigrants like Indonesians, Bangladeshis and Rohingyas would be running this country: Don't scoff.
For now, I see NO HOPE for the future with the bunch of clowns in power currently.
Go WEST young man....or even "under".

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 Covid has actually become a disuniting virus more than anything else: While it may have caused a death of less than 0.1% and about 3% in infection globally, it's probably created a 50% "injury" to relationships.

The pro-vaxers will troll the net to find anything to support the need to vaccinate (and to a large extent, Big Pharma is funding efforts globally in spreading misinformation) while the anit-vaxers will do the reverse.
I'm quite wary of the pro-vaxers and have been researching this plandemic for more than a year. Unfortunately it looks like if we want to travel/integrate into society, most countries will require some form of vaccination - this is the establishments' position. The effects of these (medically unproven) vaxes will only be known in the future. By then, could we have been permanently injured? Walk like an Egyptian....or worse, be "controlled" by nefarious powers....just a though.
Think about it - if the Virus was natural, then the universe would likely have provided a natural antibody that is within our system and is just waiting for the "awakening" (there was movie like this before) incident like a mass infection. Just check this out...babies born to mothers in India who are Covid positive and not vaccinated.....have natural antibodies against it ! So where did these babies get the antibody from? Providence (call it whatever term as per your beliefs) has always provided humanity with natural protection one way or another. That's what the process of Evolution has shown us....survival of the fittest: It's us vs the Virus. Whether you agree or not, statistics everywhere now show that the "succumb rate" is higher for those who have been vaccinated rather than those who have not (see my earlier posts for empirical evidence). Well then, perhaps this is the REAL purpose for the vaccinations?
Now if the Virus is "man-made" as claimed by many conspiracy-theorists, then surely, "man" would have also made an (expensive) cure as his gambit? So ask ourselves, who is this "man" who designed this global scheme that has all of us living in fear of a minute creature? I'm waiting to see if this plandemic is eventually exposed.
However, as we humans are, there will be the usual support camp(s) fighting for their positions. Just remember, whether it's 2 or 3 or 15 boosters, or if we need to pop a pill (already being developed by "them") daily - there will be only ONE winner (and their cronies). You and me - we will surely lose.
Everybody is free to their opinions I long as it doesn't lead to permanent disenfranchisements. I see far more injuries (to ego) caused by this Virus than actual deaths.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Growing Older.....Please stand up, please stand up !

 (Hint: Read with your musical hat on...)

IMAGINE...You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one.
Abah, in my chat-groups, I posted this video of the young (old)man saying.... he can dance, he can jive...having the time of his life. And I added, I see myself doing that at 75.
Some replied saying, "you can dance meh?"
So I posted the pic below of my dancing when I was perhaps 16. I was the only boy continually invited to the KKB school's female prefects' parties those days and I wasn't complaining. (This was the time when ABBA, Alleycats and BeeGees were at their peak). Oh, incidentally, I was nicknamed "Bones" or "Boney"....I'll let you ponder over the reason:).
Another secret out: Ganesh (my best mate till today and the school captain then) and I, somehow always had co-curricular activies like picnics, swimming (in the river, lakes etc) with the cutest girls in class and somehow, no other boys were invited, I mean had similar schedules...sheer coincidence I say! Back then, we were really dirt poor but boy or boy.....we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun. When the city slicker were talking about the bird and bees, we had long caught and tamed them in our early teens. So much for being an old fashioned kampong boy.
And a year or so later, I got a scholarship to study in Raffles College Singapore and the Dean, welcomed me by saying "Son, don't be shy. I know it must be a shock for a small town boy a big city environment. Besides the serious college environment, you will get to see heady lights, ladies and some party scene too". I meekly nodded my head and said "Yes Sir. It was "syiok"..... COMING in KKB".....till today, god bless Mr.Morsbergen's soul, I don't think he ever understood my reply:)
The saddest part about growing old(er) is that young(er) people think we oldies have stopped having fun (see video below of those that still do) - I often tell Wei Ling that I still feel 26 but she reminds me that my legs prove I got the numbers in reverse. But, you and I know, how the heartaches come and they go and the scars they're'll be dancing once again and the pain will end. You will have no time for grieving.... friend, I'll say it clear, I'll state my case (and boy, have I had a few), of which I'm certain. I've lived a life that's full (been there, seen that, done almost everything), I traveled each and every highway (perhaps in about 75 countries). And more, much more than this, I did it my way.
All the oldies that still feel young, all the single ladies..... please stand up, please stand up...
(See Papa, I can write on non controversial subjects too!)

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Lip Service - Groundhog day in Malaysia ?

I waited for 31 Aug to pass before I posted this.

We were inundated the whole day with various "feel good" slogans, songs, videos etc from well wishers. And we all saw TV/online commercials (including the insensitive one by the muslim welfare department...who else would dare to be this insensitive publicly anyway?) doing the same.
I feel I am well qualified to comment on the comparisons because I have lived (not just a holiday) in Singapore, Australia, Canada, China and the US for some years in the past 30 years or so. I LOVE Malaysia because:
1. Our food is really the BEST....even when compared to food capitals like Singapore, HK and Paris. Heck the best Chinese food is in KL (some say Ipoh/Penang but ok lah, still in M'sia), the best pizza I've had is in KL, the best lobster thermidor is in KL, the best briyani is in KL and so on;
2. The cost of living is about the cheapest when you take purchasing power parity. RM 1 can still buy you a kueh in KL;
3. The people are about the friendliest - I dare say we are friendlier than the Thais;
4. We can get anything done the "Malaysia boleh" way and the MCO has shown that some people are above the law; and
5. Most of the people I consider friends/family, live here.
But is this enough for me (and maybe you?). Have we no shame? The country is in a mess with rampant corruption, political shenanigans, judicial inequity, police inefficiency and bias, racial intolerance, and every possible negative thing that we can think of as a society:
1) We have religious "leaders" proclaiming nonsensical edicts that shame

2) We have Ministers uttering sensitive and usually asinine comments and getting away scot-free,
3) We have GLC/Industry leaders stealing money and getting acquitted,
4) We have politicians siphoning funds and the law turns a blind eye to their actions,
5) We have failed MPs with tainted record being appointed to powerful positions,
6) We have a former PM publicly revealing that he was pressured to interfere in judicial proceedings and the authorities have not (yet) acted on his nationally telecast confession,
7) We have convicted/charged MPs who do not turn up in court in flagrant disregard to the law and even worse, the judges appear unable to charge them with contempt,

8) We have political frogs who jump camps and then blackmail for choice positions,
9) We have the courts returning stolen monies to convicted criminals....crime does pay?,
10) We have persons with 50 charges being acquitted. Look, I can understand if the prosecution wrongly filed one, two or even 3 charges but 52 is something that even a 10 year old kid will disbelieve what more the Rakyat,
11) We have institutionalized racism (bumi vs non-bumi) after 64 years of "independence" and
...too many others to itemize.
I feel borrowing some words of a Datuk Balwant Singh sums up my feelings nicely:
"It's not that I love my country of birth any less but that I love good governance, accountability, well-being of the Rakyat, and tempered meritocracy more. The real meaning of merdeka now is liberating ourselves from corrupt and self-serving politicians, ensuring a competent and rakyat-centric government is in power, the rule of law is enforced truly, and an equitable treatment for all Malaysians is made supreme - where the brightest minds are given the opportunity to design Malaysia's future".
Giving power to proven has-beens and utter idiots (I won't even identify them as everybody knows the duffers in our system) to mould Malaysia in year 65 is a sure recipe for "ruining tomorrow from today" (yes, it's a pun of Browning's quote....used by another dufus recently). The level of barrel bottom scraping has been achieved by the present regime.
Having said the above, can you blame me for not being excited over "independence day". It's more like the same rubbish over and over again. Does anyone really believe that if we have the present system of government (and governance) - the country will be a better place for our kids and grandkids?
It's no wonder why in a recent survey, 65% of Malaysians said they would leave the country given the chance. Now assuming we adjust for national demographics, even 1 in 3 Malays want to leave Malaysia. Isn't this alarming?
Malaysia is for ALL Malaysians and nobody should be made to feel they are inferior or superior. There should not be any form of discrimination, perceived or real. Afterall, everybody came from Africa and whether you arrived 20,000, 2000 or 200 years ago, we are all immigrants in one way or another. We cannot have the rights of one community placed higher than another community's simply based on the majority rule. The greatness of a society is shown by how it treats the minorities and less abled.
If we do not change now, then it's really a GROUND HOG day afterall. So what then is there to look forward to come "merdeka" day every year. Just lip service and "syiok sendiri"?

Friday, August 27, 2021

The Punishment for the Enlightened ?

We have done our best to educate our friends and family on the glbal "hoax". Although many of us are aware of this, it doesn't mean we can abandon caution and break SOPs that make social distancing and masks, and of course alternate medicines and diet. 

While the political system (controlled by the powerful) will force all of us to be vaccinated (by disallowing our right travel, dine etc), we still need to be wary of what's to come down the road. Running away from being vaccinated is going to be futile: In the past week alone, I've been denied entry to many places. I accept this - so I work around it by using home delivery. I hope the growing legal (and civil) lobby against forced vaccinations as seen in America, UK, Australia, India and indeed (very surprisingly) Malaysia gathers momentum until Big Pharma's profiteering intentions are exposed. 

The early days of any battle are very very difficult. When the war is finally won, on hindsight, people will realize the efforts of the minority for the benefit of the majority. Until then, the pioneers who take on the system (and man's general prevailing believes) will be vilified. Remember until about 400 years ago, you could be crucified/burned alive for saying the sun was the centre of the universe. Up until a 100 years ago, you would be institutionalized if you uttered we could land on the moon. Up until 30 years ago, famous people said personal computers were useless for mass usage. Only 17 years ago Bill Gates said spam will be eliminated for good in 2 years. Up until Aug 2018, JP Morgan said Bitcoin was useless (now they are promoting it). This, unfortunately, is the way the world works. But still we have to try our best. One day, history will vindicate the brave. Till then, be prepared to be mocked at. Have a few beers, it will make you feel much better. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Afghan and China: New BFF ?

Recently, there are many (mainly the communist supporters and their ilks) who say the Talibans are "good" for Afghanistan. Of course, this lot is rejoicing over Biden's utter stupidity in pulling out suddenly. Yes, Trump had previously signed an agreement to withdraw but from what I've read (he's resurfaced to Tweet), it was to be phased and planned: Nobody would suddenly run away leaving billions of weaponry/intelligence (well...) in the hands of an incoming marauding troop: Back in the old days, the retreating forces burnt the earth to prevent the enemy from benefitting. But not Slow Joe. He just packed up and left Afghanistan and his lame duck secretary, the blinkered Blinken, gave some silly excuses (just go Google it) that were factually wrong and indeed, misleading.
If the Talibans are "good", will the supporters here dare send their daughters (and maybe their young sons knowing the penchant of Afghan men for the bacha bazi)/wives/mothers there for a holiday? Sitting far away, these rather sheltered (and may I add, misinformed) lot can toast to the terrorists - simply a self-gratification for their hypocritical dislike for the US. (Ie. most of them will watch US movies, eat US fast foods and use American technology daily while criticizing the US) without considering the ramifications of their cheerleading to the morale of others.
This ignorant lot was "happy" to see the US lose now and have been totally blinded by the Talibans' trickery (well considering the tricks the Emperor has played on them, perhaps birds of a feather after all).
I wonder if 1mil Afghans had run into China (instead of the West now) - will Xi welcome them with open arms? Ask yourself why the safety seeking Afghans didn't run into China, their new best friend: Afterall, the Wakhan pass is right next door and their saviour Talibans will allow their safe passage.....and on the other side, the Red Army will happily welcome their new BFF? (Or with all the "tans" as neighbours of the same faith, the Afghan refugees want to go to the infidel West instead?). Rather suspicious ain't it?
I published an article recently on the questions we must ask (see if you can or dare to ?) ourselves when we see this new development not too far away from us.
The answer(s).....frightening.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Why are Muslims running away from Sharia law to be fully imposed in this country ?

 "Just remember USA took 4 Presidents, trillions of dollars, millions of lives and 20 years to replace Taliban with Taliban."

I don't think anyone can explain these logically:
1) they want 100% shahria laws in the country but are fleeing by the millions when their saviours arrive (or arise),
2) they are largely of one faith but flee almost with certainty to "infidel" faith countries thousands of miles away instead of, say, 10 miles across the border to Pakistan,
3) when they arrive in the infidel countries, they almost always do not work and go on welfare courtesy of the (kind) infidel states,
4) they will then form ghettos in the infidel countries and abuse the host nationals if they enter into "their" territories in the host nation's like my visitor occupying my guest room barring me from entering the toilet in my house,
5) they then demand (often violently) benign local secular laws to be changed to (violent) Shariah - the very laws they ran away from in the 1st place,
6) they demand for equal rights in the host nations when back home, they will slaughter minorities at the smallest request for equal treatment,
7) their political leaders are almost always corrupt and live elsewhere (in debauchery) most of the time,
8 ) their religious leaders are usually fanatics who spew edicts that are perverse and biased against women,
9) they multiply like rats in their host countries when they are living on welfare and ought to be circumspect in family planning,
10) there about 30 or more versions of their idealogy and depending on which version you believe, everyone else is deemed an infidel,
11) there's nothing benign about what they do to others, especially when captured and shown to the world but their mantra is misguidedly sold to others as being "peaceful",
12) when they come to power, they almost always take women as sex slaves (see what the Taliban did today),
13) their verses are interpreted to suit their needs (and wants) and occasions... especially by the Parti Ajaran Sesat (PAS) in Malaysia,
14) they consider certain meats and drinks as forbidden and will get into a fit but are happy to indulge in debauchery, corruption, nepotism, cronyism and philandering...all sins in the Book ranked as even worse, and
15) think that they are the only ones who have a right to be offended and will not hesitate to execute those that offend them (remember the false mantra of peace).
So in the god forsaken hellhole called Afghanistan, America has to listen to what this fellow the video below:

Saturday, July 3, 2021


Over the past 16 months or, we have seen how our authorities have dealt with the Novel Covid -19 pandemic fallouts. To the best of my memory, perhaps RM 700 billion or more has been spent by the government to counter this. There was hardly anything “novel” in various initiatives…in fact, most was a cause of concern and unhappiness among the Rakyat.


Frankly, I have been least impressed by the often-kneejerk response the establishment proffered. So here’s what I think can be done to address substantially the worsening situation in the near term. In the long term, I believe, say hello to Covid being a permanent feature in our lives. Learn to co-exist will be the mantra by 2023.


To avoid making it political or complicated, I’ve not pontificated on the merits of each proposal. You are free to agree, expand or disagree with my views.


I’ve encaptioned my thoughts broadly as follows:


1. Food and survival response


We know the hardest hit is the B40 group, and maybe now, the M40 group that may very well fall into the B40 if this “no work/business” situation prolongs. Lets:


a) Set up temporary Food Banks in areas where the B40 is situated. These Food Banks will be fully funded by the government. For outlying areas (especially in remote areas), set up mobile Food Banks – either on wheels or water transport. Those affected, can come (one person only) to these centres to collect their survival provision,


b) Where practical, use the various delivery agencies (like GRAB, Foodpanda and so on) to also assist in the delivery of these sundries. This will also help to minimize the need for our people to travel out of their homes, and


c) Hopefully with the basic food and survival issues taken care of, there will be less suicides etc. The main concern for the B40 is survival – and we can eradicate this concern while they are not working.


2. Medical assistance:


Again it is the B40 and other less heeled persons who are the most handicapped. So let’s:


a) Set up stand-alone vaccination centres (“SVC”) in strategic areas so that instead of having our people line up for hours at the very few centres the government has now, our folks can pop-in to the SVC and have their jabs with proper documentation similar to a “drive-in” concept. This has been very successful in Singapore especially,


b) Where the population is really rural (especially in East Malaysia), do the same via mobile (car, train or water transportation) SVC centres. I.e. we will come to you if you can’t come to us,


c) Allow private enterprises to do the same (especially for their own employees) so that they become a partner to the government’s efforts and speed up the vaccination process. I’m sure most private enterprises will support this initiative so that they can re-open their businesses. To incentivize them, let these enterprises claim a tax rebate for the costs they have incurred. There is no real “cost” to the government because it also saves on the (free) vaccines otherwise. Imagine the revenues it would gain from income tax when most of these enterprises are allowed to operate as normal, and


d) With a wider distribution of vaccination centres/network, the entire population can be vaccinated faster than the current progress. It’s business back as usual even faster.



3. Allow all businesses to operate with strict SOPs:



a) If the above procedures are followed, there is no need to have confusing rules to determine which business is deemed (and by whom?) essential. There is so much confusion (and indeed corruption) here in the current implementation, we can expect some permits to have been issued with some financial persuasion,


b) Businesses and outlets with a large “gathering” propensity should remain closed like places of worship, stadiums and so on. But where these businesses can exhibit that their establishments have complied fully with the SOPs, there is no harm in allowing them to operate with reduced numbers, and


c) Contact sports and “people friendly” business can only operate if they too have complied with the strict SOPs. Dining in, in my opinion, is perfectly allowable if limited to 2 or 3 to a table with SOPs. We have not heard of a “pub” cluster.


4. Boost the services/SME sectors:


One of the main gripes presently is that this government has “killed” many businesses with it’s “start/stop/maybe” directives. So instead of confusion reigning, let’s do these:


a) To help the government implement the “mobile” part of the initiatives above, it can enlist the help of various deliver app providers like GRAB, LaLaMove, GoGet and others. Imagine the volume of additional business these companies can garner if the government’s delivery mechanism can be outsourced to them. For eg. MyEG has been doing this for several years already and there is no problem in assigning the same to the other delivery agents. Frankly, they can do it faster than the government can. Best of all, the government makes its money from the taxes it can collect from them instead of shutting down the services/manufacturing industry,


b) Instead of allowing the civil service to operate at 20% (considering that it operates at 50% on most days anyway) capacity during the MCO, the government can redeploy many of them to partake in the activities above. For eg. making them man the mobile centres and indeed, do the delivery services. With a little incentive, everybody is engaged in a “win-win” activity instead of an unproductive “remotely working” situation as now, and


c) If we had an app/AI mechanism to monitor all the above – surely the IT industry too will benefit in developing and deploying various initiatives – again the government stands to gain from the taxation aspect alone.


5. Frontliner - Medical & Support services:


It is undeniable that frontliners (private and public) and the entire medical (& related support) industry have been under tremendous pressure from the start of this pandemic. So as to alleviate the pain in this sector, I propose the following:


a) All frontliners to be given an additional 15 days pa paid vacation a year to be taken at appropriate intervals in their career. This will allow them to recover from the extreme fatigue faced by them during this pandemic. A healthy doctor is better for all of us,


b) All frontliners to enjoy free medical treatment for the entire family if they are afflicted with Covid at any time during their service. This is the least we can do to show gratitude, and


c) All frontliners to be given priority in the receipt of blood and plasma as the situation arises. We can expand the benefits accordingly.


6. Foreign workers (“FW”)


One of those badly hit by the pandemic are the foreign workers. Most factories have been shut and as a result, many are in dire circumstances. Many have committed suicides. If my proposals are accepted, we can do these:


a) Have all HW vaccinated as a priority. Those vaccinated can be deployed to assist in the proposals above. So, if their factories are shut, they will have some income to tide them over. I don’t think any FW will complain if we gave them an alternate way to earn an income. Sure beats dying from starvation, and


b) Imagine if we set up the Food Banks as I’d suggested, we’d need people to cook, pack and deliver the food. We already have a large labour pool in the FW…why not use this massive gift to our advantage. Everybody wins by this measure.


7. Civil service and Ministers


I think the Rakyat’s consensus is that these groups (except those falling in the frontliner and “working” ministers categories), for the bulk of it, most of them have not been working during the shut down. Even when the government mandated that between 20% and 30% should be working remotely, most of them have been “remotely” working. It’s been an extended paid holiday for many. For these groups, I propose:


a) All be redeployed to help out in the manning and distribution programmes as proposed earlier,


b) A deduction of ministers’ salary (back dated to the beginning of the MCO) by 40% until the Emergency/MCO is lifted for good. Let’s face it, many have not really been working,


c) All civil service (for those earning RM 5,000 and above) incentives given previously, to be withdrawn/clawed-back and all increments be frozen for another 2 years. I think the Rakyat will agree that at least 50% of our bloated civil service has NOT been working during this pandemic, and


d) Pensioners (drawing a pension of above RM 5,000) who received incentives before, be also subject to the proposal above. I cannot see why this category needs to enjoy the fruits of a failed policy when thousands of people are starving.


8. Export sector


While the authorities say we will likely register a 4.5% pa growth in the GDP in 2021, I find this hard to believe when businesses have been shut for the better part of the year to date. Ask any SMEs….they are expecting a fall of up to 40% in their business this year. Even the Big Producers (gas, oil, electricity) are bracing for the “knock-on” effects of the worsening public spending. Here’s what we can do:


a) Subject to SOPs being followed, open up ALL the sectors that are solely in the export business like CPO, Electronics and such,


b) Consider reducing income taxes/levies on their production if these companies export 50% or more of their sales, and


c) Consider reducing/removing the input taxes on the materials they use in their export oriented production. This will encourage them to produce more (perhaps keeping their workforce employed too).


9. Financial sector


I’ve yet to hear of a big bank “suffering” from the pandemic situation. So here’s my proposal:


a) All banks in the country to contribute to a Covid Cess of RM 10,000 per RM 1,000,000 of their past year’s profits,


b) All new recruitment shall be done from those who were retrenched as a result of Covid caused circumstances. This must be made a law so that all those who are hard hit by the Covid, have an edge in being hired first than those who are not, and


c) All banks will be required to lend as a priority, to the businesses hit badly by Covid caused reasons. Again, this must be made a law until the pandemic is over. 

10. Income tax by necessity


Now this is going to be the least popular proposal because it will affect the pockets of the well taken care. Let’s be honest, for those still earning RM 25,000 per month and above, you really have not felt what the B40 has. Yes, many of us have been also donating and helping out in various forms. Let “karma” take care of you in heaven but on earth, why not:


a) A temporary additional income tax on RM 500 per person if your annual tax payable is RM 20,000 or more. This can be on a graduated scale so that it doesn’t burden the lower category of tax payers,


b) An additional Covid tax of RM 10,000 on those earning RM 1,000,000 per annum or more – on a graduated scale as above, and


c) A super profit tax (in addition to the above) of RM 100,000 on anyone earning RM 5,000,000 per annum or more.


Let’s be honest, these additional taxes will not kill you. But the additional revenues the government makes, will go towards feeding our brothers and sisters who are crying and/or dying.


Welcome to the Islamic Republic of GAZA

Suggestion to manage Gaza after the current war with Israel:  1) Compel Israel to rebuild the border wall so that Gaza becomes like Berlin b...