Sunday, January 24, 2021

Bugger....I'm Indian?

Now most people know that I am used to saying it as it is. I've been warning people of the ancient taquiyya ruse, the CCP's creeping control and in general, the moronism (if there's such a word) of the establishment, at times. Not forgetting the Big Pharma and the Deep State - yes, they are there:)
Now, while the rest of the world is afraid of the US/Russia, and "praising" China for its "altruism", India has made far greater contributions to science, technology and, really - mankind/humanity; than any other country in the world. It is the CRADLE of civilisation (ok, mother EVE gets some credit too for - LEAVING Africa, no surprises there:))
Now many Indians (original or diaspora) tend to suffer from an "inferiority" complex, either because of the way we speak or maybe look - our "brown" skin in the world where being white (and some say, yellow) is "best". I've actually been told by an extremely smart Chinese diaspora that being Chinese is the best thing that has happened to him: This is similar to what the murderous Shi Huang Ti said in 220 bc after killing all his family and friends. I was too lazy to tell him that his misguided logic was about 2100 years old. You see, sometimes, you just can't argue with the wall - it's just a fucXXing brick. You just have to walk away or be judged just as looney.
Now, I've been an ardent follower of world politics and progress. Many countries contribute greatly to geomatric progress: Israel, India, China, US and some pockets of Europe. But none, has the life changing impact like India. India is poor in "advertising" (unlike the US and China) but her technical prowess is indeed remarkable.
And now in the world's greatest calamity, she is head over heels in leading the contribution to mankind. Of course, the CCP, with it's misguided diaspora's might, will bang the drums elsewhere. And the US, with it's guns, will always insist on being right. Such is the world.
But, as Indians or the diaspora (including the Ceylonese, Burgers and others), we should speak up when we are dismissed as backward (and worse). Learn your history well (even if others claim appam and saree are "theirs") and be proud to defend it when confronted by the majority.
If not now, when ?

Saturday, January 23, 2021

WhatsApp King ?

I was meaning to write on the "whatsapp admin" for a long while and today provided me the opportunity.
Just like almost everyone here, we all belong to one or many WhatsApp "group".... of all nature - from just "Sembang2 motor" to serious ones like "World Intelligence" (no kidding!). Again, many of us are just "added" in by friends with good intentions. Some of us will immediately exit, while some will stay on for a while, then exit. Or never.
I'm narrowing down to the "Admin" of these sites. More later.
In most sites, the conversations are pretty mild/fun/jovial until someone voices an opinion that is either illogical/rude or sometimes - logical/correct/rational but the group in general, is unable to fathom. You see, there's a saying, "geniuses are only discovered after they are dead" - you get the drift. And many a time, when such a person voices that contrarion opinion, while (s)he gets "whacked" by fellow members, there will be a few who will "pm" him/her with messages like "I agree with you bro but I dare not say it publicly cos I also will get hantam like you....".
Now, on the "admin" of such groups - have you noticed, often the most capable/smart/rational/witty/wise person does NOT become the admin? Either because (s)he is the most capable/smart/witty/wise one (and so, sensibly, stepped aside...) person, or, usually, the most repressed person is "elected" as the admin. In many of my personal groups, the least capable (saving the adjectives) person is the "admin". I've noticed (and so have you), this person suddenly gets a chance to live his(her) dream - yes, you've guessed it - being "da boss". Ironically, they suddenly become the doyen of logic and propriety. They now "wield" power. In most groups, the admin is someone who is fair and logical and cherishes the trust given by his peers. But I'm talking about those admins who, for want of a better word, real "nutters" who suddenly wield power - because they can "kick" you out if you disagree with them. It's the POWER baby ! It's almost like when we were in school and the "last boy" in class then, now being given the "monitor's" role. I recall when I was a teenager in KKB, I was always "late" coming to school (even then, waking up at 7.10am to be in class by 7.20am was a nightmare - my poor Amma, she had to drag me out of bed literally by my other 2 brothers would have already had their brekky and left for school by then) - and there you are, some "C" class boy/girl would be waiting ( I suspect, just for me) at the school gate to issue me a ticket. Just to see me washing the toilet for the day, sigh. I think this is what is meant by "syiok sendiri" ?
But, I've digressed. My peeve is with some admins of groups who, think that their "standard" should apply to others. (I think they will make great Malaysian MPs?). Their newly begotten power(s) allow them to behave like that. (Often they form the group?). I rarely ever "question" these admins because, I feel, let them have their day in the sun - afterall, you must have been the "stick in the mud" some 30 years ago and now, it's your time to bloom. I'm usually very forgiving even when I know the admin is a jackass. I've learnt that voicing your opinion in trivial matters is just gonna aggravate yourself.
But, when it's important, we need to speak up: I noticed a fraud going on in one "Bitcoin" group that I was in. When I voiced my concerns, first I got "hammered" by the admin, then by the other members for being a spoilsport. Then I was "kicked" out. Well, after about a week of being kicked out, I was besieged by the "victims" of that site - all begging me to help them recover their loss. This is often the outcome of the duck that raises it's head while the rest are pecking the ground?
Anyway, I just wanted to tickle your funny bone in being part of a whatapp community where new "rules" are being dictated daily. Of course, what frustrates me most is that, when there's a deviation, the admin (and sometimes the others) will try to "justify" the deviation. I especially hate the "good morning/evening/b'day" greetings if the group was set up for a specific/technical purpose. We all have many other "sembang-sembang" groups (sometimes we have 2 groups, one serious and one for "just kidding") to share our humour/greetings. Of course, a one-a-year event, in my opinion, is ok-lah. But not a daily inundation....that's regretful.
What frustrates me is the deviation from rule aka "path of least resistance" approach taken by some admins. I'm guided by Thoreau's very wise dictum: The path of least resistance is what makes both rivers and men crooked.
Or in simpler term, "how long is the piece of string".
Que sera sera 🙂

Thursday, January 14, 2021


In 2016, I advised my friends and family to invest in Bitcoin. At that time, it was US$ 450. Let me rephrase this, I BEGGED them to invest.
I recall, in July that year, I hosted a dinner for about 15 people to explain how blockchain technology was going to become mainstream in some 5 years. I'm embarrassed to say, only 2 of the 15 who attended, believed me. I must have done a bad job in my explanation.
But those 2, will always buy my beers/meals if they saw me till today. I can honestly say, with a minor investment in 2016, one of them is half a millionaire, if not more. I have never asked a penny from either of them for the free advice.
Since then, I had met the regulators and "Big 4" accounting firms to extoll the virtue of the cyber-economy, and depending on how you see gain from understanding it. Again, I am embarrassed to say, only 1 of the big boys, saw it meritorious enough to engage with me in a meaningful way. I can attest, this Firm, is ecstatic (especially it's partners) over their decision. In the traditional world, you would call it a "10 banger" ROI.
Today, when Bitcoin is US$34,000, both my friends who believed, as mentioned earlier, have done phenomenally well.
I have also taught classes since late 2017 together with my erstwhile partner, Mr. Louie Pinto. My students (maybe 800+) are very happy that they "only" made maybe some 300% pa returns. I do not teach classes anymore because of Covid.
I have more theories on where Bitcoin will go to in the next 10 years. And for the sceptics, I also have the traditional stocks (in the US) to punt. Call it, occupational yield. (Just listen to minute 13 onwards......
Another "freebie" for those who believe. Buy some Tesla stock. In 2020, it went up 8x. I expect it to go up another 5x in 2021 (I'm always very conservative in my forecasts). But US stocks are very hard to buy if you are not a credit worthy American citizen or don't have access to the US stock market. But as always, I know of a resourceful way around this
But I also have to make a living "mah" (Hokkien emphasis term for those who don't know it) - I spent much time in researching this. I'm happy to show you how to do this but to be fair to me, I will charge a one time fee of US$ 1000 to help you to do this. If you think this is fair, then please pm me.
In any case, you can't lose with the free advice above.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


Many years ago, I watched Enemy of the State ( and was very troubled at the numerous ways Big Brother could track us. Can it be that accurate I wondered then.
Then came along Eagle Eye ( some 10 years later that convinced me that we are all being tracked, one way or another.
Since then, I've resigned to the fact that indeed, we live in a "progressive" world where we must be connected somehow: Price of "civilization".
Our digital footprint is everywhere....and anyone (especially Big Bro) can track us: Even if my 87 year Dad refuses to embrace technology (he shuts off his old Nokia phone when not using, no FB, no Wa, no ATM card, no credit cards, no computers etc), "they" can still track him as he uses a bank account to receive his pension (that he manually withdraws at the counter and records his details). There's no escaping unless we decide to don a robe and sit in the jungle about 100 miles inside Pahang (well, may get eaten by tigers...).
Even then, the technology is out there where a drone/space probe hundreds/thousands of miles up there, can zap you to tinder in seconds....simply based on the "signal" triangulated...maybe our DNA that's stored in some database somewhere in the digital banks. And, recently there is talk that someone (or something) wants to imbed a chip in our body that would be useful for medical purpose (yeah right...) like a vaccine ?
I recall some 25 years ago, I asked my company techie as to how I can clean my hard-disk so that the "interesting" materials inside can never be unearthed. Maybe have a tech reformat the disk? He said, best way is to take the hard-disk and drive over it several times, then pour a bottle of acid, and then burn it. Even then, the sites that I visited can be tracked by the IP etc. NO ESCAPING discovery. (Back then, nobody heard of VPN).
So when recently WA asked me to "accept" or else...I clicked "accept". I can't fight "technology". I'm quite sure I am not important enough for them to "watch" me...and with not much spending power, sending me ads is at best, irritating:). But imagine if you are a person of interest - what a scary thought?
My MIL is now considering removing her FB for good, and maybe even WA. (I wonder what sites has she been to.....). But even if you used SMS, "they" can track you. Anything electronic leaves a permanent's out there in the world wide clever warned.
As Rockwell said ( Somebody's watchin' Me:

Welcome to the Islamic Republic of GAZA

Suggestion to manage Gaza after the current war with Israel:  1) Compel Israel to rebuild the border wall so that Gaza becomes like Berlin b...