Sunday, January 24, 2021

Bugger....I'm Indian?

Now most people know that I am used to saying it as it is. I've been warning people of the ancient taquiyya ruse, the CCP's creeping control and in general, the moronism (if there's such a word) of the establishment, at times. Not forgetting the Big Pharma and the Deep State - yes, they are there:)
Now, while the rest of the world is afraid of the US/Russia, and "praising" China for its "altruism", India has made far greater contributions to science, technology and, really - mankind/humanity; than any other country in the world. It is the CRADLE of civilisation (ok, mother EVE gets some credit too for - LEAVING Africa, no surprises there:))
Now many Indians (original or diaspora) tend to suffer from an "inferiority" complex, either because of the way we speak or maybe look - our "brown" skin in the world where being white (and some say, yellow) is "best". I've actually been told by an extremely smart Chinese diaspora that being Chinese is the best thing that has happened to him: This is similar to what the murderous Shi Huang Ti said in 220 bc after killing all his family and friends. I was too lazy to tell him that his misguided logic was about 2100 years old. You see, sometimes, you just can't argue with the wall - it's just a fucXXing brick. You just have to walk away or be judged just as looney.
Now, I've been an ardent follower of world politics and progress. Many countries contribute greatly to geomatric progress: Israel, India, China, US and some pockets of Europe. But none, has the life changing impact like India. India is poor in "advertising" (unlike the US and China) but her technical prowess is indeed remarkable.
And now in the world's greatest calamity, she is head over heels in leading the contribution to mankind. Of course, the CCP, with it's misguided diaspora's might, will bang the drums elsewhere. And the US, with it's guns, will always insist on being right. Such is the world.
But, as Indians or the diaspora (including the Ceylonese, Burgers and others), we should speak up when we are dismissed as backward (and worse). Learn your history well (even if others claim appam and saree are "theirs") and be proud to defend it when confronted by the majority.
If not now, when ?

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